Ihate the antichrist i hate the nati dhcit ijkill melkfaej dilkjmefklea
Maximizing individual liberty and minimizing statis incursions through a robust deployment of the non-aggression principle is the only way to lead the nation against a inevitable stride towards the evil of taxation and the ever increasing socialist plot to overthrow the government and secure a evil communist regime to destroy all property values of our nation and lives. Our lives are in sake with the ever increasing and rowdy working class who demands the unhealthy need for welfare and public support from the debt increasing money printing unregulated government that threatens things like the American Dream and the 2nd amendment and already makes money against the threat of the violation of the 4th amendment despite a strong resistance against the violation of such a heinous act. The government runs up the debt and drowns us with needless stimulus checks, endless wars and endless wasting of money. The corrupt politicians who remind one of a deadly snake making a move on a cornered rat, have complete control of social and economic matters which threatens our liberty and freedom of speech. We are being oppressed under the evil and corrupt ruling of the unjustful government. Everything we stand for are made into a laughing stock as the statist government does everything within its powers to crush the truth of their illegitimate ruling and almost tyrannical ruling of the good hard working citizens. Income taxation and inheritance taxation as well as forced deadlines are almost comparable to the ruling of Nazi Germany or the United Socialist States of Russia. To combat this situation we must maximize the individuality of the citizens of the government and destroy all statist ways of life. The government doubts that the citizens should own arms but let us keep in mind that we citizens are capable of owning a rifle and managing it correctly in stark contrast to the United States who lost over 6 nuclear arms. This clearly shows the government cannot manage such a strong military on its own at the while ‘helping’ out the economy by refusing to use tax dollars on even the simplest projects such as road repairs and building of such basic necessities. For the sake and betterment of the people of the United States it has came to such interest to root out such tyrannical and socialist polices and to get rid of the evil form of theft also known as taxation. The government are greedy vultures who would love to rob graves for their own sick enjoyment, the unjust inheritance taxation is complete proof of such accusations of the tyrannical government who spies on its own citizens and restricts the right to defend ones property while at the same time disregarding and even mocking the legitimacy of the citizens rights to refuse certain unjust actions. Mind you the United States were formed to fight against taxation without representation, however the current situation has arrived once more. The government claims to represent the interest of the people and increases taxation and continues to press them forward. We must rise and stop this tyrannical and unconstitutional actions by the total tyranny of the government!
See this is where horseshoe theory come in. Socialism, capitalism, fundamentally have the same beliefs, but the way they execute them is different.
We live in a society filled with strife and inequality. It is clear that it is our moral obligation to install social justice with the best solution; which is anarcho capitalism, a radical movement that supports the abolishment of the state to further the interest of the people.
It is the only solution that will give us true liberty, genuine equality, and bring us to a place where the people control the vast majority of our wealth and resources. It is impossible to establish social justice without an immediate abolishment of the state, and in this we are now facing that dilemma. If we are to see change we must all become proponents of anarcho capitalism, the only solution that has a chance of working.
What is Anarcho Capitalism?
“Anarcho-capitalism, also called individualist anarchism, is a political philosophy and movement built on a series of conclusions that reject most or all of the state and many of the privileges of capitalism, while retaining some form of market exchange. Anarcho-capitalism distinguishes itself from both socialism and capitalism by its position that the state and market are complementary, rather than contradictory, institutions” (Wikipedia)
According to Wikipedia, anarcho capitalism:
“is a “top-down” economic and social system which advocates the abolition of the state and the elimination of private property in the means of production. Anarcho-capitalism holds that voluntary, mutual exchange in the form of a non-state co-operative economy, along with protection from aggression by the state and enforcement of contract through vigilantism, provides the best means for the enhancement of wealth, leisure, and happiness among the members of a society, while promoting the end of authoritarian social and economic systems” (Wikipedia)
There is much to agree with when it comes to the validity of the anarcho capitalism ideology. It is without a doubt a beautiful ideology that teaches us all of the rights that are derived from the original source, the Republic. It is a truly noble idea and something that we are all currently benefiting from, for the most part. But is it sustainable?
Is Anarcho Capitalism Sustainable?
It’s a good question to ask. There is so much that we can’t comprehend in our current capitalist-driven society and that there is much that we can do to shape a better world.
In our society there is not enough free time for people to learn about anarcho capitalism, or so I’ve found. People do not have time to learn about what they believe in because they are preoccupied with a life of mainstream capitalism; something that will lead to everything they believe in being proven false.
According to 21stcenturyvisions, they say, “the idea of market anarchism can seem counterintuitive to some, since it calls for complete deregulation and the complete privatization of the means of production, but that’s exactly the goal. The theory is that market competition will provide consumers with the best products and lower prices, which is how it always functions in a free market.”
What could possibly be wrong with that?
The problem is that the market is not free, at least not in the sense of the term. It is a distorted version of what it’s supposed to be; the true free market. The markets that have not been hijacked, influenced, corrupted, and controlled by the state, and the political class. The true free market has no ruler and therefore a true free market is the only way to establish true liberty.
According to John Stossel:
“You probably know that the United States is becoming a national debt graveyard. I’ve been banging on about this for years. Yet here is the best news: Our nation’s Gross Domestic Product was $17.8 trillion in 2011. We can still balance the budget if we put the national debt on a sustainable path to pay it off.”
So, although we are growing extremely weary of this high-interest debt, the fact remains that our economic system has gotten us here, and it can get us out of it.
To come back to the issue at hand, is anarcho capitalism sustainable?
When we look at many of the successes of the anarcho capitalism ideology we see very good news, but is that sustainable?
In the early days of industrialization it was essentially a decentralized economy in which most trades and industries were run on a truly free market system. However, since then, the economy has gone into decline. This could be seen as a result of several factors, including lack of demand or demand for certain goods and services, increasing use of monopolistic techniques to shut out competition, and increased government regulation of markets and entrepreneurs.
In time, the government became too involved in the economy and began to mandate business models, to determine who would own and operate businesses, and how business was to be regulated. They also became involved in public works and various projects that benefitted the general population. The political class also began to take more control of the economy and began to invest more heavily in industries which are ‘too big to fail.’ They also began to expand welfare programs, which further created a dependency cycle which further reduced consumer demand for the goods that these large corporations produce. This led to the expansion of the welfare state, more government interference in business, and increased costs to consumers. The demand for these products also decreased, since consumers were taxed heavily to subsidize the welfare system, further decreasing the demand for these products.
The good news, however, is that although this economic situation may seem hopeless, it does not have to stay this way. As the printing press and the internet have proven, our ability to share information, ideas, and information freely has the power to change the world for the better. It is important to understand that information on the internet, for example, is free, fair, and unrestricted. This is not to say that information is free from malicious or unethical forces. As everyone knows, access to information is often restricted by large corporations or entities with vested interests in maintaining their monopolistic positions. In today’s world, however, information is free, it is fair, and it is unrestricted. With this in mind, the internet has proven to be a vital resource. It is used for communicating news, goods, goods for free, a whole host of entertainment options, and for all manner of socially helpful activities.
The internet allows us to take control of the economic life of our lives. It allows us to act as a free market, complete with pricing structures and free-market-based education. It is the fastest, most efficient, most widespread, and most beneficial form of economic activity we have ever been afforded. If people wanted to, they could start competing business models and sell their goods and services in a truly free market. As they grow, they will find that they can succeed in the free market, and their businesses will grow and become successful. They will become sustainable businesses and employ more people than if they were working for government. They will also become more efficient, producing more goods with less resources. Most of all, people would work together in a truly just society.